Wednesday 12 June 2013

Kite energy

ok so there are many different kind of green energy available, some are 'rare' but interesting, like using kite to produce energy but i believe the concept is near to that of wind turbine, and it is commonly called kite energy system. From the name itself, the concept is launching a kite into high altitudes to enable it to generate power from wind. So the question is why do we need this kite system instead of utilising the well developed wind turbine? Well there must be some reasons why engineers and companies are looking into this new system.

A kite is basically supports by a string or rope. It is cheap to manufacture compared to a concrete wind tower. In order to produce more energy, a wind turbine has large turbines (up to few meters) to increase the surface area. Similar to wind turbine, a kite can be build to have huge surface area to perceive more wind. As long as the string is strong enough to support the tension, weight, etc, then it can be produced. Next, a wind turbine is stationary, it couldn't be elevated or lowered, thus it must be build in a strategic location. In contrast, a kite poses high flexibility, it can be raised or lowered and able to be launched at different locations as long as you feel appropriate, hence it should be more versatile and flying higher means it could receive more consistent wind.

to be continued

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