Thursday, 11 July 2013

solar cell cont.

when the p-type & n-type semiconductors are brought into contact, the magic begins. the crazy electrons at the n-side see the positive holes (p-side) and are fully attracted, they rush towards the holes without a word. however, at the junction between the 2 materials, the electrons and holes attract each other and form a barrier. this barrier make it hard for the electrons to penetrate to the other side. once equilibrium has reached, the barrier acts like a forward diode, making the electrons to move from p-side to n-side but not the other way round.

when a photon from sunlight strike on the surface & move towards the junction, they break apart and the electron is send to the n-side and the hole to p-side, making it more imbalance. now when an external circuit is connected between the n-side and p-side, the resistance is relative low and electrons will tend to flow from n-side to p-side. since current is generated at the opposite direction to electron flow and voltage is produced by the cell electric field (due to p and n-side semiconductor producing an electric field) , power is obtained. (P=I*V)

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Solar cell

Solar energy seems to be one of the most promising green energy in the future. We know that the sun is a powerful and huge resource, easily overpower the oil reserves in the current state. Solar energy usually is related to solar cell. This cell allows the conversion of light (usually sunlight in the context to be 'green' apposed the artificial or lamp light generated by fossil fuels) directly to electrical energy without an external voltage source. You may possibly seen the cells in different forms, such as modules from which the cells are framed together to form a larger pieces and arrays which are the combination of modules, usually used in power plants etc. Also worth to mention solar energy is applicable to almost everything as long as there is light, from the cells in a calculator to those installed on the roof top of a high rise building.

Now let's have a look at the mechanism of a solar cell. Silicon is widely used in solar cell due to its property, it has 14 electrons in 3 different shells with a electrical configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2. To become stable, it will require another 4 electrons in the outer shell. A pure Si is not what we want because when it is in stable state, the conductivity is very low due to the absence of free electrons. As contrast to most cases in which impurities are to be avoided, to make things work like a charm, we add impurities into the Si, with a ratio of 1 in a million, this process is also known as doping. To get a P-type semiconductor, Boron is usually added. Boron has 3 outer electrons, hence an additional hole ( a positive charge) is created. In the contrary, Phosphorous is added to obtain an N-type semiconductor. Phosphorous has 5 valance electrons, but only 4 will bond with Si atoms, the other 1 will have no one to bond with and is left alone. When there is more electrons, an N-type material is produced as in the latter case.

to be continued...

Friday, 14 June 2013

Kite energy cont

It is a two edged sword, previously we have talked about the good side of this energy system, today lets have a look on the other side of it.

Kite energy as we know, need to be launch and pull back every time. You have to launch it so it could fly up high in the sky, and after finish using or when the weather is really bad (eg thunderstorm) , you have to keep it back otherwise it might be struck by thunder and damaged.

Imagine when the rope suddenly snap off and the kite drop into someone inventory or hurt a passenger, who is gonna held responsibility for the accident? How would the insurance company handle the case? Cases like this need to be considered and the potential hazard it will cause must be minimized if not eliminated.

Since the kite can reach up to few hundred meters, we couldn't really drive its direction. This means that it might be floating here and there depending on the wind direction.  So it usually requires some lightening like what we usually see in a lighthouse or high-rise cable station. This is to make sure it is visible to aircraft. Besides, it must be operated away from the airport to prevent any accident, collision and signal interruption.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Kite energy

ok so there are many different kind of green energy available, some are 'rare' but interesting, like using kite to produce energy but i believe the concept is near to that of wind turbine, and it is commonly called kite energy system. From the name itself, the concept is launching a kite into high altitudes to enable it to generate power from wind. So the question is why do we need this kite system instead of utilising the well developed wind turbine? Well there must be some reasons why engineers and companies are looking into this new system.

A kite is basically supports by a string or rope. It is cheap to manufacture compared to a concrete wind tower. In order to produce more energy, a wind turbine has large turbines (up to few meters) to increase the surface area. Similar to wind turbine, a kite can be build to have huge surface area to perceive more wind. As long as the string is strong enough to support the tension, weight, etc, then it can be produced. Next, a wind turbine is stationary, it couldn't be elevated or lowered, thus it must be build in a strategic location. In contrast, a kite poses high flexibility, it can be raised or lowered and able to be launched at different locations as long as you feel appropriate, hence it should be more versatile and flying higher means it could receive more consistent wind.

to be continued

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Green Energy

today the world is moving towards green, from building to lifestyle to energy, everything is pushing towards a greener tomorrow for our own benefits as well as the future generations.

The term green energy should be familiar to most of you out there, you can easily see articles or advertisement in the newspaper everyday. But one might question why is it so important to turn green? Well the most generic answer will be to protect the environment from pollution etc.. However from my point of view, the main reason is very much due to the depletion of fossil fuels which are generally non-recyclable, meaning once they are consumed, they decrease in the volume. So as the world reserves are decreasing, that means the price will be increasing in the near future if not now, and that will be a thunder that strikes most of the consumers, especially to businessmen at a means of decreasing their profits. Remember this is just a game of number, and the results might be a huge one. In view of this, organisations and entrepreneurs started to fund for development or R&D for something that could overcome their worries. So After years of determination, engineers & scientists finally came out with green energy which are also known as renewable energy.

For sure, this is a great news to the funders because from the terms itself, the energy is basically free of charge since the main sources are usually the Sun, wind, wave, etc and you don't really have to pay to get them. For them, free means no expenditure and this will directly impact on the total income. The environmentalists were excited initially because this renewable energy is 'clean', however later they discovered that the energy used to process the devices are not actually pleasing. Imagine at the current state, most countries are still heavily depending on fossil fuel generated electricity, and every single energy comes from fossil fuel again.

To be continue...

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Adhesive Types

Adhesive bonding is one of the most common joining technology available. you can easily purchase a cyanoarylate (commonly known as super glue) from a stationery shop to glue your broken mug with a couple of dollars. It is easy to used, and it serves well in most condition. There are still many types of adhesive if this isn't suitable for you, such as epoxy, anaerobic, etc...

Lets first have a look at epoxy, which usually consists of epoxy resin + hardener. It is easy to use, simply mix the resin with the hardener together so that the end parts of the adhesive (diepoxy and diaming) are joined, and apply them on adherents. It wouldn't take long to polymerise, so you have to act fast before they cure, or simply make everything ready before you mix them togethher. However you may find that it is very hard to remove the adhesive from the substrates once it cured, so always act wisely and carefully.

The next one, anaerobic, which means 'no oxygen or lack of oxygen'. So the polymerisation basically happens when there is little or no oxygen at the surrounding. Apply the adhesive on the adherent, but the adhesive will remain as it is when there is oxygen around. But once there is a lack of oxygen, the process initiates and it happens just within a flash of seconds. So this process is usually used for thin closed gaps.

Super glue is a type of adhesive which cure very fast as well. The water vapours in the surround atmosphere act as initiator to begin the process. It is suitable for wide range of material, but it is flammable under high temperature so you can see the burning cautions at the rear of a superglue tube. One common point for these adhesives is that they formed thermoset instead of thermoplastic in the curing process.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Adhesive bonding

Adhesive bonding is another option if you would like to join 2 or more parts together. It is similar as glue-ing parts together without the need of high temperature involved in the process. This joining process fit in many applications in the industry because it can bond almost all materials.

There are many types of adhesive bonding available in the shop out there. We will talk about some of the common types available. Super glue is one of them and it can be purchased in most stationery shops. The technical name for super glue is cyanoacrylates. It has low viscosity and generally not cheap if you consider its volume. When super glue is exposed to the air, it undergoes rapid polymerisation reaction. The moisture in the atmosphere acts as initiator and the process can finish in just a few seconds.

Another common adhesive is epoxy which consists of both epoxy resin and hardener. They are usually sold together as a set. Epoxy can be used in a wide variety of different materials such as metals and polymers. At low temperature, epoxy is very brittle but at high temperature, it becomes stronger and more durable.

Always bear in mind that before applying adhesive on the materials, some preparations are required. Basically you have to make sure the adherent surface is clean and ready to hold the adhesive. This is important to make sure a strong bonding is formed between the adherent and adhesive interface. For example, a metal piece usually tends to have an oxide layer on its surface. If this oxide layer is not 'wipe out', the adhesive will stick on this oxide layer instead of the adherent real surface. Sometimes other contaminants might occur as well, so make sure you remove them beforehand. In case the surface is rough and unbalanced, a file can be quite handy in smoothening the surface. A smooth surface is more desirable in adhesive bonding because the adhesive can spread more evenly and cover a larger surface area. Don't look down at these small tips, they are very useful if you want to make sure the adhesive really does its' work.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Mechanical welding

Mechanical welding is very desirable for a few reasons. But first of all let me explain what is mechanical welding. It refers to the joining process in which forces are created between interlocking surfaces to hold the components together. There is no heating required unlike fusion welding and solid state fusion. Besides it is a cheap joining process because no additional heating and shielding etc are needed like in arc welding. What you might need includes the fasteners and tools. Besides, the process is simple and no extensive training or experience is required prior to working. A great example is that users all around the world can easily unscrew the screws in their cpu casing.

Basically there are 2 types of mechanical welding, namely mechanical fastener and integral mechanical attachment. The former refers to an additional device which is used to faster up the object, while the latter is usually a pre-designed structure which hold the object using mechanical principle. A good example for mechanical fastener is a bolt and nut combination. While for integral mechanical attachment, you can think off the snap fit design in your mobile phone, either the casing or the battery cover in which no additional device is required. This improve its beauty and make it very user friendly. However care must be taken when dealing with it because inappropriate stress or load might break it off. Also frequent dis-assembly might loosen the structure due to high friction. In case you are using an additional device to hold your object, you have to pre-drill a hole to fit the device. Drilling also incur stress concentration at the surrounding and residual stress might build up around the hole and thus affect the mechanical structures and properties. Also when the item is heavily used (e.g. in a rocking chair) the nut might drop off and poses danger to the user as well. You usually will need additional tool to assemble or disassemble the device, unlike integral mechanical attachment you can do it without additional tooling. But this mechanical fastener usually could create a higher clamping force and sustain higher loads. So there are pros and cons like a two-edged knife, you have to choose the most appropriate welding mechanism for the application. You might need to calculate the relative stress the device can hold, and the lowest stress is usually the one that causes failure in the joints.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Why Joining?

Joining is a process to fasten or join two or more components to form a single material.

One might ask what is the reason for joining them together? Well, basically there are few reasons for doing so. First, joining enables the material to preform the desired function (e.g. to improve its thermal conductivity). Second reason is to join small parts together to form a large model because manufacturing a large object might be very expensive (e.g. moulding or casting a large piece might cost a few thousands). Hence, joining is a cheaper alternative in the industry. Lastly, it can improve the beauty of the product.

However it doesn't mean that there is no drawback for this process. Joining might alter the mechanical properties of the parts being fastened together (e.g. heat affected zone might reduce the strength of material). If mechanical joining is used, it might induce stress concentration around the pre-drilled hole. Joining is considered as an additional step in manufacturing process, which means it add cost to the production. As we know, joining rarely occurs at the beginning of the process but instead at the end phase. A failure in the joining process will ruin the production and incur higher loss to the company because it can be rarely fix. Joining assembly such as bolt and nut can be accidentally removed or dropped off during its service life.  

There are different types of joining technology available such as welding, mechanical joining and adhesive bonding. Welding includes fusion welding, non-fusion welding and solid state welding. Fusion welding is the process where the materials are being heated and melted to form a single piece. Non-fusion welding includes soldering and brazing. In non-fusion welding, the materials are heated but not melted. Instead, the filler material is melted to fill the gap and form the bonds. Solid state welding happens at low temperature (not reaching the melting point of the material) but high pressure. There is no filler metal being used in the latter.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

RP (Rapid Prototyping) vs AM (Additive Manufacturing)

Rapid Prototyping & Additive Manufacturing, are they the same?

In short, no is the answer. Well I guess you wouldn't want to stop here, lets have a look on the differences between them.

RP (Rapid Prototyping) has been discussed in the earlier post, in case you need to have a quick refresh, click here

AM (Additive Manufacturing) is also known as 3D printing, it means producing end parts by converting computer data into solid 3-dimensional objects. Well it also goes layer by layer hence the name is called.

The size of AM machine is usually smaller compared to a RP machine. This means the end products are usually small in size for AM machine. But it is more versatile and can comfortably fit in an office environment or home desk without consuming huge space. Also, the price of an AM machine is relatively cheap and usually ranges from few hundreds to thousands dollars whereas a RP machine might cost you a couple of thousands dollars. From the huge price difference, one should expect to obtain a lower accuracy end product from AM. Also, the material availability for AM is quite limited, however massive R&D is being carried on, and it is believe that more variety of materials or even mix materials can be used in a single manufacturing process.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Rapid Prototyping (RP)

What is Rapid Prototyping (RP)? What are the advantages?

Today we would like to talk about Rapid Prototyping (RP)

From the name itself, RP means producing prototypes rapidly

Compared to traditional prototyping manufacturing process, the main objective of RP is to reduce the cost and time. Cost is the most critical element you would think of when you are running a business, a lower cost indicates a higher net profit or more affordable by customers. The time here is closely related to lead time, which is the duration from sourcing raw material to customer acceptance.

Besides, RP is able to produce parts with higher complexity consistently without being fatigue like a human. Conventional prototyping are man made, and often high skills are required to produce accurate and complex components. We all know that to get up to that level, practices and experiences are a must. A person might be spending years to reach that level, but nowadays with RP, even a novice could produce a high quality prototype using RP processes. Also RP is able to produce complex models such as nested ball etc

Currently there are a number of RP systems available in the market, most commonly used is the SLA. SLA uses laser beam to solidify the polymer which turn into solid. The laser traces each layer and the blade re-coats the surface once a layer is cured. This process is repeated for a few hundred or thousands time depends on the model geometry and complexity. 

From the process above, we found that RP process actually build the model layer by layer. This is something very different from old technology like moulding, or even longer history subtractive method. RP offers a good technique to form a part from software drawing to solid object within few hours instead of days or weeks. It is an emerging technology and it has drawn a lot of attention from entrepreneurs and medias. The reason for the former to be eyeing on this technology is because people know that technology is changing business nowadays, and they are determined to find out how RP will change their businesses in the short and long term visions. 

Sunday, 28 April 2013

How to insert a line into a column/bar chart in Excel

Hi all, previously I have some trouble inserting a target line into a column/bar chart in Microsoft Excel

It took me couple of hours to figure things out, and here you will learn how to do it in just a few minutes

lets say you would like to create a column chart which shows the exam results of the students in class 1.

First, you need to create the column chart from the data (exam results) you have

  1. Highlight the data 
  2. Choose Insert tab  
  3. Click on Columnoption
  4. Select Clustered Column from the dropdown menu

Now you have a column chart in blue colour

Lets move on to insert a target line in the bar chart, say the passing mark is 60. You want to draw a horizontal straight line at this point.

  1. Create another table with the passing score (60 in this case) for all the students
  2. Right click on the column chart, choose Select Data
  3. At the Legend Entries box, select Add
  4. Simply give it a name (we name it as pass) & series values remain unchanged (will change them later)
  5. Click OK
  6. The chart now has an additional set of data in red column
  7. Now select the red column and right click, choose Change Series Chart Type
  8. Click X Y Scatter on the left and select Scatter with Straight Lines (the red column will disappear)
  9. Right click on the column chart again, click Select Data
  10. Choose pass and hit Edit button
  11. Enter Series X values & Series Y values by highlighting the data in the new table, then click OK (refer snapshot)
  12. The result should be similar to this 

Thanks for your time, hope you like this tutorial

Saturday, 27 April 2013

EndNote Citation Guide - APA style

We have learnt how to install EndNote plug-in on your computer

Now lets learn how to cite a journal/book in a Microsoft Word file in APA (American Psychological Association) style. The reason for choosing APA style instead of others is because it is the most commonly used and widely accepted in institutions and organisations

Follow the steps below to cite from Google Scholar:

  1. Click cite on the book/journal/paper you referred to

  2. Select import into RefMan (your pc will automatically save it)
  3. Go to Endnote 3.5 (alternatively, you can click Go To EndNote Web in M. Word)
  4. Move your cursor to Collect tab, select Import References
  5. File: Browse the file you saved in Step 2
  6. Import Option: RefMan RIS
  7. To: New group (you need to enter a group name later)
  8. Click Import button
  9. Now you have imported the reference into EndNote, go to M. Word and cite it
  10. Click on the location where you want to cite it in your M. Word file (usually at the end of a sentence)
  11. Select Find Citation
  12. Enter key words such as Author name or Title of the book/journal (one key word is sufficient), then hit the Find button next to the search box
  13. Click Insert 
  14. Finally done, it should look like this in your M. Word file

P.S. If you would like to cite a journal from other websites, simply export the citation (without abstract) and save as RIS format, then continue from step 3.

Hope you enjoy this tutorial!!

Friday, 26 April 2013

EndNote Plug-In Installation Guide

Hi all, remember we talked about plagiarism previously? Today we are going to install EndNote plug-in into your computer

I just surf through the web but there is almost nothing out there for beginners, so i think it is good to write a post about this topic

We would be using a software called ENDNOTE to automatically create a reference list in your Word file. By doing this, you don't have to type your reference 1 by 1, word by word, and end up spending couple of hours citing the references with errors here & there. 

Believe me, once you have grasp the basic rule, your life would be a lot more easier than you could imagine.

Follow the steps below to install EndNote plug-in:
  1. Go to EndNote 3.5 website, create a new account for free if you don't have one.
  2. Sign in and Look for Format tab 
  3. Click Cite While You Write Plug-In
  4. Click on Download Windows for Windows users
  5. Run the setup file to install Microsoft Word plug-in in your computer
  6. Once completed, open your Microsoft Word to check whether the EndNote Web is on your toolbar (usually at the end). You need to sign in before you can use it

We will start to cite a reference from a journal in the upcoming post.

Monday, 22 April 2013

List bfor bed

oK have finish listing what i have to do tomorrow

yes this is what the experts say, always write down tasks for the next day before going to bed

and you will feel like putting down your thoughts and have a sweet dream

will try to see whether it works

Earth day Woooh

Getting excited just thinking about getting a new hoodie soon

Yes human has hopes and this is what keep us moving on

It is a powerful tool to really drive people going on and on

Hope for something better for our earth, HAPPY EARTH DAY

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Running Man smash Blue Monday

Oh having monday blues? Look at the bright side

We are doing good yesterday, so we should go on today

Think about it, it is Monday again, that means new episode of RM is coming out today

Yeah always think positively, RM is our support

In return, we support them with heart & soul

brand brand new

New day, new goal, new challenges

wake up in the morning my brain is filled with lots of stuff that need to be completed within the day

is it possible? yes i hope so

lets move on

i got a feeling... that today is gonna be a good day....

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Running Man Solo Win Chart

Hi all

recently there is a chart that has been spread like crazy among RM fans - RM Solo Win chart

Among all Ace has won the most, following by Grasshopper, Sparta, Gary, Haha, Giraffe, and lastly Big nose who has zero win, yes big 0

However this is just until the current date, as time goes by there might be some changes and turnover, so lets keep fighting with them to top the chart

Friday, 19 April 2013

Cardio pain

One two one two

After an intense cardio exercise yesterday wake up this morning feeling the pain in my body

Is it a good thing? not sure but it feel really good after the exercise

Yeah lets bring it on next week

Betrayer Galllery

Betray seems to be a very common term in RM

yes if you watch it there are just a few of them in different episodes

sometimes people will think very unfair if the member he/she supports turn out to be betrayed by others and hate the betrayer

but they are just doing this to entertain the audience, RM is about betraying  ( really true in some episodes). It is just one of the common tactics being used

you can see there is a change in their facial expression after a member is betrayed, but just after that they are back to a family again.. It would never last long

so lets just enjoy the show, don't take it too serious, just have fun

Fight hard, work harder

Work hard 

Everybody need to work hard

For you own and your love one

Don't simply let go

Because you never know

When you will regret

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Hwaitting Asia Prince.. Giraffe

Ok lets talk abit about Giraffe

His name is Lee Kwang Soo, born in 1985 and 28 years old now

He is the youngest among all RM members and also the tallest, about 191 cm in height

So he is known as giraffe because you can easily spot him in the crowd

Since he is the youngest in RM casts, he is always bullied by the elders but he never skip any chance in taking revenge, especially to Sparta and their quarrels is one of the highlights in RM

Also Giraffe Betray Betray came out because he is an expert in betraying anyone, everyone... He could hardly control his hands when other RM are revealing their backs to him, so he is also a dangerous man

Currently among all the female guests that appeared in RM, he has shown interest only to Yuri from SNSD, but quoting what Jae Suk said 'you two are impossible', it seems ambiguity for them

However, we still hope he can find his real love and lead a happy life and continues to bring more laughter to the world

Hwaitting Giraffe

Soo... the Giraffe

RM has been filming in some Asia countries recently and you could hardly imagine how popular they are before this

And more surprisingly Giraffe has the highest popularity when RM goes overseas

The reason is because he is the makne among the members? No, I don't think so

It is mostly because of his role, his personality and dedication

We are not celebrity and not playing any role in a variety show, but it seems to be more than difficult to actually shine in this industry

You have just huge competitors and you couldn't choose when you wanna be famous, the fans the crowd the people out there will do it for you

Maybe I should continue with a brief intro about Giraffe in the next post

Base de Ball

ok today we are going to talk about baseball

the reason for learning it is because of RM, yes RM again

basically baseball is a game played by 2 teams, the attacking & defending teams

the attacking team includes the batter/hitter (the one holding the bat) and base-runners

the defending team consists of the pitcher (the one who throw the ball) & fielders

to be continued...

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

ttak ttak ttak..Ttakji

today lets introduce you to an old korean game - ttakji

if you have been a die-hard fan of RM u should be very familiar with this game

how you play it?

first the player would need to create her own ttakji by using thick materials such as newspaper & cardboard. the next thing is fold it into a ttakji

next the player will throw her ttakji onto another ttakji (which is placed on the floor), if she is able to flip it, she wins and the opponent is eliminated

however there seems to be some technique in playing this game, sound interesting right?

go away lag

nowadays rarely online not because i am lazy but due to the lag lag line

but now is getting better and hope it would run smoothly ever after

when the line is lag it can really drive u crazy

so please don't do this to us

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

tech tech

nowadays human life just cant get away from technology

just walk out the street, almost everyone will have at least one handphone with them

at home, teenagers nowadays spend hours sitting in front of their pcs doing whatever they like

i would say this is the trend, whether you like it or not, just take it and go

Unreveal Potential

everybody is unique in this world

we might think somebody look incompatible but maybe he or she is just hiding his/her potential

in variety shows each member is playing certain roles and hold a certain position in making the film making

you can see there are the trouble-maker, playboy, bully, flower, etc etc

each of them should be different and usually there are no crossover

and due to their characteristics they couldnt reveal their true potential because variety is meant to be fun rather than winning all time

however sometimes when they reveal their "superpower" the audience will be totally surprised

Monday, 15 April 2013

tik tok tik

just slept few hours yesterday

dont know why nowadays cant really sleep that much, is it because of age?

many people will have an alarm in their minds, sometimes when it is the usual time of getting up, the alarm will automatically send a signal to the brain and call you up

dono whether this is sthg good or not

anyway gonna change my habit and try to sleep early

Busan, the next Santorini

Wow.. Just knew that the village in Busan is absolute beauty, and really looks like a colourful Santorini   where the latter is basically white and blue

How did i know that? from RM since the members were there with Ji Woo for the last episode in 2012

Many people dream to visit Santorini once in a life time but no one ever dream to go Busan

feel weird, but anyhow both places are nice, so you can start planning your trip from today

have a look at the pic below, this is what Santorini looks like, i dont have any pic of Busan since i have not been there before, but hope will have a chance to

Infinite Challenge day

Hmm Infinite Challenge day

why said so

hehe because i was just watching it but i still dont understand how the story goes on

maybe this has to do with my IQ but anyway since this was just the 1st episode there is nothing to worry about

i might get to know the members and the story when time goes on

Sunday, 14 April 2013

what is Baseball

Just learn baseball but could i really say that i understand it, dont think so

still far away from that

one of the best way to actually learn it is by watching the league or take part in the sport itself

but these 2 options seem to be impossible at the moment

hmm.. any other ways....

learning from the movie?

watching RM but don't really understand the rules of the game

usually when you are watching a movie, lets say a football related movie, do you understand the rules of the game? or do you just watch it without knowing anything about it

for me i prefer to understand at least how the game is played and how the scores is calculated besides some of the simple rules

but sometimes it is hard to get to know every single details because even if you could find it somewhere, it might be too lenghty to read all the rules from 1 to 100 and really understand each of them

or maybe we are not used to the game, some words and terminologies are just first time strangers to us, and it takes time to digest and remember them

but anyhow, it is good to learn while watching, at least you gain some extra knowledge bit by bit

the gamer, the player

Sometimes we heard news from others or read from the newspaper, we feel sad and sorry for what is happening out there

human has evolved for thousands years, maybe longer, but why such stupid human behaviour still exists and it lets us think about peace, law, fairness.....

what can we do? what are our responsibilities as human beings? what we are capable of? can we really change the world?

no one knows, but there are always rules in the game, we are the players, and we learn to play better in the game as time goes by

Saturday, 13 April 2013

wonder why

Winter is over, not sure whether this is a good news or not

recently when looking out from the window, the sky is gloomy and raining always take place in the evening

maybe this is good for the farmers but bad for others?

does it mean that anything happen in this world will affect some people in a good way while the opposite to the rest?

i am not sure about this.. i only know that there must be a reason for that

lazy afternoon

Just finish chatting and feel so tired without any mood to work

maybe should stop here and have some rest or do something i enjoy

usually feel very lazy after having a meal

maybe i am so used to it

gonna change it? dont think so hehe

Friday, 12 April 2013

WGM couple - yet another double J couple

Initially I thought this couple is gonna be boring, but it turns out quite well and I am falling in them as well

They are Jo Jung Chi (male) and Jung In (female), yes they are the 2nd double J couple in this season

Jo Jung Chi is famous of playing guitar, his style and his laziness (really lazy if you watch it haha), and Jung In is not a stranger if you love Leessang, because she collaborated with Leessang in few songs and her voice is really fantastic.
I got to know her from the absolute beautiful song <<The girl who can't break up, the guy who can't leave>>

They have known each other and been together for 11 years, and maybe is good to learn from them on how to maintain the relationship with your love one and maybe you can foresee how you and your couple would look like after being together unmarried for 11 years

WGM couple - double J

Ok here comes the first couple that caught my attention in this WGM season

Yes here they are, cute couple double J
Jinwoon from 2am (a korean band) and Joon-hee, a famous korean actress

despite the age difference of 6, they look good together and both of them are really tall, 172cm for Joon-hee and 185cm for Jinwoon

If you are falling in love with some younger guys, this is a must watch

So if you have not started watching their episodes, don't miss out the right time to do so



Nowadays just continue watching We Got Married (WGM) another korean variety show

Felt that this season the couples are more of my interest compared to previous one

Maybe should do another post for the newly wed couples

Lets think about it

light exercise

Dont know what happen to me, woke up a few times last night

and can feel the soreness in my body

maybe need more light exercises to have a better sleep at night

ok will do it today

Thursday, 11 April 2013

basic instinct of Running Man

Just watching running man again, and felt that throughout the 2 years of training, running girls and men are getting power up and their way of thinking and sensing are totally in FBI-compatible-mode

Just like in the hide-and-run or mouse-and-rat or whatever u named it, the running men could only know someone is coming by listening to the 'ring ring' sound from the bells previously, but now they are able to tell who is approaching solely based on the footsteps, isn't it amazing?

I bet this is what we called basic instinct, and the process of acquiring it is via practise, practise & practise

because practice always makes perfect.

crying for the mistage

Errrrhhhhh.. Just miss 1 step, 1 important step then everything has to be redo

I spent 1 hour sitting in front of the computer to work it out, but the system refresh everything when I click submit

Then I end up spending another hour doing the same thing again, cry....

but think about it, we have the chance to redo something which goes wrong, we should be grateful

when we dont have such opportunity to make thing right, or in life there are times that cant be redo, so grab the opportunities to do the right thing, but make sure you follow the steps carefully

why there is a cage

A bird that is closed in a cage, is similar to a person jailed in the prison

Freedom, is so near yet so far to most people

when you are small you know nothing and you are guided step by step

as an adolescence you are in you are focusing in your studies and people rebel for freedom

after you graduated you start to find a job and your mr or mrs. right

when you are at your mid 30-40 you create your own family

seems like the script is well written, most people just take and go, but one day when you look back, actually freedom is everywhere, it is just how you take it in your life

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Stupid strategy

Just realise sometimes companies do sell their products with very good strategy, but not efficient at all

What is the point of inventing a 100% strategy but only applicable for a small portion of the same products?

it doesnt make sense at all. you just lost your customers in seconds, your marketing strategy is a total failure


fighting gogogo

Today must work hard

gonna do as much as i can

had a nice breakfast and preparing my work

the sun is out the weather is nice 4 degree celcius today

lets rock n roll

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

here comes again.. laziness

Oh.. just end up doing nothing today

Feel energetic this morning but suddenly the work is not progressing as predicted plus some interference have caused me to stop my work

erhh.. angry on myself, but since there is no turn back, just enjoy for today, tomorrow gonna be a nice day

new vs old

Seems like technology development has made human life easier

However some computers or websites functions have been the other way round, they become more complicated and less human friendly

Yes I understand you need to upgrade the system server or whatever you called it but people are getting used to the previous fast and easy way of getting works done, unless you are able to come out with something more efficient in term of time consuming and really easy to operate, otherwise i see no reason why you should change it when the cost is the same

Maybe you mean to try it out but if lets say it doesnt work as it should be, change it to the older version will be much grateful

There is always an option. New doesn't always mean good

Monday, 8 April 2013

Thank you Gary

There are always some events you would like to forget

There are some scars and wounds you would like to heal

There are time you feel so down & desperate

Music is a remedy for all

The passion for making music live in them

They make music for some reasons


ever feel like not going to do anything for the day?

yes there are plenty to be done, just that don't have the mood to start

maybe because engine is overheat, maybe it is not a bad idea to cool for 24 hours

however waking up in the next day will make me feel uncomfortable due to the work carry over from yesterday

so what should i do? Really confusing

Running Man support

Watching Running Man now

Just noticed that there are actually many fans out there waiting for Running Man to air every week

Maybe this is a way to get rid of monday blues

Anyone still have not started your journey watching it?

Do start today, it is not too late

Sunday, 7 April 2013


Yesterday slept quite late, today wake up so early ==

not that i dont want to continue sleeping but it was the dream that woke me up suddenly

after some cool down i think it was due to the high pressure

maybe i need to find more effective ways to cope with my stress

any suggestion?

What is your choice, Kang Gary

Mr. Kang,

It was 2 years back since the rumor started to spread across the globe

The born of the ultimate Monday Couple from Running Man

Over the months and years the couple receive continuous supports and likes from fans all over the world, from men to women, from young to old

However they have come to the time when they have to say goodbye to this relationship, although thousands and millions out there are urging "please, don't"

No matter how it goes, we still have a great time watching them together, even though it only happened on Monday (yet some exceptions)

Yet another fighting day

Although today is Sunday which meant to be rest day, but life is full of challenges

We must try our best to be well prepared, so when the opportunity is right in front of you, you could grab it without letting it slip through your hands

Rest to go further, but learn whenever you are, there is no limit


Saturday, 6 April 2013

What do you learn from Running Man?

Yes I know you have been watching Running Man for days, for months, for years

But you are just watching it for fun without learning anything?

How is it possible? Even someone as dumb as me learn so many..

Don't believe me? I will prove it to you, now listen carefully:
- never trust anyone in Running Man
- never think of shacking hand with or hug a young female guest
- never let your guard down
and there are just more than these..

And remember, learn as much as you can, you might need them in your life one day

Have a nice weekend!!!





Thursday, 4 April 2013

Citing a reference - part 1

Continuing from the previous post regarding plagiarism, I would like to introduce a software that could help you cite references easily from journals

Search 'Endnote Web 3.5' in google, or click on the link below

Next, you would need to sign up for an account, just enter your email address & password etc..

ok now you have an endnote account, we will learn how to cite a reference in the next post

What ?? Plagiarism

Not sure how many of you guys are aware of plagiarism?

Students and workers might come across this when writing their reports

Plagiarism is a serious offence and the only way to avoid it is by citing the reference when you are referring to others' ideas, thoughts or languages.

Nowadays there are some tools available and widely used to determine whether a piece of work is original or not, so don't play with the fire, you might get burnt

If you are not aware of this, please starting from today, learn to cite and show some respect to the original authors. Credit always goes to them


Today is Thursday, seems like Easter break is over, most people have started their working life

Life isn't easy for everyone, it is full of challenges

However, many are working hard to lead a good life, not only for themselves but also for the loves one

Never let yourselves down, there must be a reason why you are here

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Print anything you want. Are you ready for it?

Today human life would be different without science & technology

Currently the world is moving towards personalization, meaning you could create something that is unique in the world and different from others

How is it possible?

3D printing is making this feasible. A 3d printer is able to 'print' anything as long as you could draw it using specific software 

Most manufacturers are aiming the market for Personal 3d printers which are suitable for home used. this mean you can just print the model at home anytime you want, all you need to do is design the object or purchase the design file online, the printer will do the rest for you

Sounds fantastic right? Are you ready for it...

Tribute to the Moonwalker

Just listen to Earth song sang by one of my favourite singer, Michael Jackson

I couldn't remember since when I like his songs

Not only that, his dance is also a all time favourite. So many people and artists imitate Michael dance and move, among all Moonwalk is the most popular one

Try to watch some of his performances and concerts, the reaction of his fans was really awesome, and everytime there were fans being carried away by the security teams due to some reasons, and this record is still unbeatable

Don't forget he was also the first artist who 'invented' MV so you could easily watch his performance at  home instead of solely listening to his mega hits


As promised to myself, I just finish exercise and feel so so tired right now

Although tired to move around but really refreshing

The brain suddenly function so smoothly that I can think so efficiently (I am not retarded though)

Yeah I tell myself to keep it on for next few days, must push to the limit


Microsoft Project

Today I spent about half of the day learning Microsoft Project

Most of the Microsoft users should have this software in their computer

It came together with other Microsoft Office package such as Word and Excel which I think are the most common among users

M. Project is a useful tool if you would like to plan or manage your schedule for a project, not a trivial one but a large scale project in which it will take few months time

Why shouldn't I plan my schedule using M. Project for a mini project? Imagine you are going to make a cup of coffee, you probably wouldn't want to spend hours (or minutes) to create a comprehensive schedule including all the tasks and resources right?

What you want is just make the coffee in 15 minutes and enjoy it with your love one

However if the project is a huge one and involving many resources (human included), you should try this tool, or there are still many project management software out there but this is not the aim of this post so we will just omit it

There are some useful tutorials on the internet and you can learn to use it within hours if you have the patience.

Enjoy mate!!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

opps 怎么办













大家准备好了吗,一起冲啊~ ~ ~









Cutting hair isn't as simple as you think

Last Saturday went to the barber shop but the bus has changed new route and I have been sitting in the bus for more one and a half hour.. OMG

then I went again on Monday but due to Easter holiday it was closed, What the..

Again I try my luck today (it is getting more serious now) and went to the shop this morning, WOW, it is open and I finally completed one of my main task in 'to do list during Easter break'

Fantastic Baby..

Monday, 1 April 2013

Fooling Day

Today is April fool's day

erm as I mentioned before I dont really celebrate it

there is nothing to be fool about, at least this year I am not fool by anyone today haha great improvement keep it up

I think I should have learn some skills to fool others next time (really weak in this, not talented..)

For my friends who has been fooled in this very special day congrats haha really too bad but cant stop myself to laugh

Anyway enjoy yourselves, yeah











Sunday, 31 March 2013

Opps, Easter

Today is Easter, but...

Since I don't celebrate it, today is just another ordinary day for me

But come back to that, not only Easter, I don't celebrate most of the festive season since....long time ago

Not that I don't care, but since I don't celebrate it when I was young, there is no reason to celebrate now

But for those of you who celebrate it, please enjoy yourselves, and it wouldn't be too late to wish you guys Happy Easter

p.s. I just realised that today is Easter Sunday when there were crazy fireworks outside my house



他出道已经有10多年了,曾经是红极一时Turbo的成员,拥有优雅温柔的嗓子,配上一副健硕的身材,还有那对迷人的韩国正统双眼,他就是kookie金忠国 (Kim Jong Kook),如今已经升级为韩国超级师奶杀手


之后也参加了Family Outing,在里面可是一位常常欺负主持人的恶霸(也真的像),不过当然也逃不掉被主持人和李孝利配在一起,不过却擦不出火花

然后就是现在的Running Man(RM)了,不过大家也别太认真,他也承认在节目上只是为了效果才常常欺负长颈鹿的,私底下都是好哥儿们

撇开综艺不说,他那副温柔的歌声和健美的身材完全不成正比,每次看她唱歌都觉得好好笑,不过他的歌曲确实是好听到破表,比如Loveable, One man, Don't be good to me等等,没听过的赶快去欣赏下,也许你会喜欢到不得了


P/S. 很多RM迷也在等待尹恩惠来当嘉宾,不知道她会来吗





Saturday, 30 March 2013


今天为大家介绍我从Running Man节目里认识的韩国超实力偶像团体--Leessang



Gil之前有参加Yoo Jae Suk主持的无限挑战(Infinite Challenge),所以之前大家比较收悉他

Gary之后也参加了Yoo Jae Suk主持的奔跑吧男孩(Running Man),并且和Song Ji Hyo被封为Monday Couple而广受女生欢迎

如今Leessang拥有大批粉丝,这不只单单是被他们的容貌所吸引,更是因为他们动人的Hip-hop歌曲,从The Woman Who Can't Break Up, The Man Who Can't Leave 到Running Man里常常听到的 For Me, The Answer Is You都是大家耳熟能响的好歌



Friday, 29 March 2013

Running Man (RM)奔跑吧 男孩 !!

今天就和大家分享我超爱的韩国综艺节目-- 奔跑吧 男孩 (a.k.a Running Man,缩写RM,不是马币的RM哦)


由Yoo Jae Suk(蚱蜢), Kim Jong Kook(Sparta), Ji Hyo(Ace), Haha, Gary, Guang Soo(Giraffe), Ji Suk Jin(Big Nose)7位成员组成,当然节目红了,多数成员也开始大红大紫,无人不晓了

话说回来,会看这个节目完全是因为蚱蜢的关系,他之前主持的Family Outing把我带到RM这里,前面几集会比较闷,因为大家才刚认识,而且节目内容不够生动,但是到了中期内容开始有了突破,成员之间也开始暴走(Sparta Jong Kook的凶残),Guang Soo 从被欺负到后来的背叛者莅临,Haha从跟每个女嘉宾示爱到现在跟老婆结婚了,Ace和Gary闲着没事就成立monday couple广受大家喜爱,Jae Suk还是老样子打不过Sparta,Suk Jin的结束代表着游戏的开始(每次都老早出局)等等,每个成员的努力终于得到了粉丝的嘉许+支持,现在已经红遍全世界了








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Thursday, 28 March 2013

Introduction @ 第一帖


First thread is just a brief intro about the admin (yes me)
I love to try different food and really enjoy eating more than sleeping
And I grade myself as a big eater because I think I can really eat a lot
The reason behind this is due to the fact that I can enjoy myself while eating, I am loving it
Once you are here, please don't forget to post a comment to share anything.
Also if you don't mind you can always leave your blog website/address here, I will try to visit your blogs and we can share things together and become friends
I will use mainly Chinese in posting in my blog (with some picture, sometimes), however in the event you found that a particular topic is really interesting and you ought to know more, don't hesitate to inform me, I will try my best to translate them or add some captions in English.