I just surf through the web but there is almost nothing out there for beginners, so i think it is good to write a post about this topic
We would be using a software called ENDNOTE to automatically create a reference list in your Word file. By doing this, you don't have to type your reference 1 by 1, word by word, and end up spending couple of hours citing the references with errors here & there.
Believe me, once you have grasp the basic rule, your life would be a lot more easier than you could imagine.
Follow the steps below to install EndNote plug-in:
- Go to EndNote 3.5 website, create a new account for free if you don't have one.
- Sign in and Look for Format tab
- Click Cite While You Write Plug-In
- Click on Download Windows for Windows users
- Run the setup file to install Microsoft Word plug-in in your computer
- Once completed, open your Microsoft Word to check whether the EndNote Web is on your toolbar (usually at the end). You need to sign in before you can use it
We will start to cite a reference from a journal in the upcoming post.
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